What Everyone Need To Know About Commercial Composting

What Everyone Need To Know About Commercial Composting

Even though organics decompose really fast compared to other petroleum-based materials like plastic, it can still be a challenge for some cities to try and be effective in diverting food waste. That is why it is crucial to this issue seriously. Whether it’s yard trimmings, organic waste, and even biodegradable packaging materials. To handle this organic waste, composting is currently the most eco-friendly way.

Understanding Commercial Composting

Commercial composting Australia works exactly as your compost piles at home. Composting is the natural process of decomposition. And for a compost pile to be perfect, it needs to have an assortment of greens, browns, some carbon-rich trimmings, oxygen, as well as water. When a bit of these is combined, it can encourage the growth of microorganisms that will help raise the temperature inside of the compost pile as well as break down the organic matter.

Commercial Composting Methods

Though many commercial composting facilities are somewhat the same as your compost pile in your garden and just on a larger scale, there are other methods done to help deal with some complex materials like meat and bones. With commercial composting, it has more potential to deal with different kinds of organic waste unlike your ordinary compost pile at home.

  • Static Pile. this method is similar to how you do your compost at home. The waste will be loosely piled then layered with bulking agents. This will allow oxygen to get absorbed in the pile. In larger facilities, they install pipes that will help blow air from under the piles.
  • Windrow Composting. This method piles waste materials into long rows or ‘windrows’ that range between 4 to 8 feet and 14 to 16 feet wide. With this method, the waste is turned to introduce oxygen then the high temperatures due to the large piles can help break down the difficult materials.
  • In-Vessel. This method is different from the first two options. It uses an anaerobic reaction to help break down the waste materials. The organics are placed in a large drum or silo and then they are hermetically sealed. Then using a mechanical mixing mechanism, the materials are getting mixed periodically. In-vessel is a controlled environment and organic materials like meat and bones are being processed efficiently.

Benefits of Composting

Residential and commercial composting is widely encouraged. You now know what composting is about and the different ways to do it commercially. But what exactly are the benefits of doing it? You have to remember that composting is good for the soil. It is humus so it adds nutrients to it. Composting also adds valuable organisms to the soil, like bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and other decompose organic materials. And most importantly, it reduces landfill waste and it’s good for the environment.